About Blair 

Wellness Expert and Copywriter and Brand/Content Marketing Manager

Blair graduated from Siena College as the #1 top English major in her class in 2011 and has been writing in the wellness industry since her first job out of college. As Creative Content Developer for Jorge Cruise, Inc., she ghost-wrote a New York Times best-selling nutrition book, The Belly Fat Cure, about the dangers of hidden sugar. While at that position, she wrote television segments for millions of viewers that appeared on Rachael Ray and Dr. Oz and grew Jorge Cruise’s online community to over 80K in one year (pre Instagram and TikTok).

A former full-scholarship Division I volleyball player, Blair had been active since she was a child, but a whole new world of what it meant to be well opened up to her as she began to research nutrition to inform her writing. She became fascinated about how we could fuel our bodies in order to optimize our lives and this led her down a path of studying other pillars of health, including getting certified to teach vinyasa yoga, Yoga Sculpt, mat Pilates, the Lagree method, meditation, and breathwork.

From her The Belly Fat Cure days to now, Blair has worked with the best-of-the-best in wellness marketing: Beaming (now earthbar), CorePower Yoga, Equinox, Rancho Valencia resort, Vuori, Juneshine, Aviator Nation, Vayner Media, Daybreaker, the LPGA, and more.

From 2020-2022, Blair built coffee alternative MUD\WTR's online and in-person community and thrived in fast-paced startup life. She grew MUD\WTR’s social media following by 98% in 2021 with captivating captions and curated the content for MUD\WTR’s weekly newsletter with a 60% open rate (150K list). She currently writes a monthly newsletter for Apollo Neuroscience, a wellness wearable company, with a 65% open rate (80K list), as well as writes copy for their sales emails, paid advertisements, organic social captions, podcast placements, and more.

Blair’s greatest strengths are using the written word to inspire and educate an audience in order to establish an enticing brand voice and convert the everyday customer to an evangelist, as well as forging and harnessing the relationships she’s made throughout her 12+ year career in the wellness space to create meaningful partnerships. She is constantly on the pulse of what’s trending in CPG, mindfulness, mental health, sauna/ice therapy, and psychedelics and loves to learn about new modalities, brands, and products.

If you’re interested in working with Blair, send her an email at blair@beachgrown.co or DM her on Instagram @beachgrown.